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A Guide to Showing Cats

There are several reasons why showing your cat with Cats United WA is such a great hobby:

  • To meet likeminded people;

  • To win fantastic prizes and trophies;

  • To show off your feline pride and joy;

  • To promote responsible cat ownership; and

  • To educate members of the public on different breeds and how to care for their cats.

Showing Your Cat

There are four registering bodies in Western Australia and all hold Championship Shows on a regular basis. Cats United WA and affiliated clubs host a variety of shows throughout the year. As a member Cats United WA, your cat can compete in shows. Virtually all cats can compete in shows with Cats United WA, from the lovely companion cat to the highly titled pedigreed exhibit. Cats are categorized into four groups as outlined below:

Group 1: This section includes all PEDIGREED AND REGISTERED Cats and kittens both entire and desexed, of the following breeds: Persian, Exotic, Birman, Ragdoll, Turkish Van, Turkish Angora, Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat and Siberian.

Group 2: This section includes all PEDIGREED AND REGISTERED Cats and kittens both entire and desexed, of the following breeds: Siamese, Balinese, Oriental, Foreign Whites and Peterbalds.

Group 3: This section includes all PEDIGREED AND REGISTERED Cats and kittens both entire and desexed, of the following breeds: Abyssinian, Somali, British Shorthair, Scottish Fold, Scottish Shorthair, Australian Mist, Bombay (Australian) and Bombay (American), American Shorthair, Burmese, Burmilla Longhair and Shorthair, Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Sphynx, LaPerm, Selkirk Rex, Manx, Cymric, Russians, Tonkinese and Bengal.

Group 4: This section includes all COMPANION (non-pedigreed and part pedigreed) cats and kittens. Pure bred cats and kittens can also be shown in this section as well. Companion cats can be registered on our Companion Register so that they can attain titles with Cats United Inc. ALL COMPANION EXHIBITS OVER 6 MONTHS OF AGE MUST BE DESEXED.

Your Cat Does Not Have to Be A Pedigree To Show Them

Many people are unaware that your cat does not have to be a pedigree to enter and compete in shows. As mentioned above, Group 4 is our companion ring - dedicated to cats with or without pedigree papers which have lived a life of luxury with their owners. These cats have a standout personality and love people.

Some of the things judges look for in a companion cat include:

  • Great temperament;

  • Well groomed;

  • Playful; and

  • Well looked after.

It is important to note that this group, unlike the other groups, does not rely on a cat having an outstanding type for their breed, nor even having registration papers. This group is purely based on a cats purrsonality and how well they have been looked after. The winners of this category still get awarded prizes and rosettes like the pedigree classes. If you have a feline at home that fits this above description, why not consider entering them into our shows?

Entering A Show

All cats must be entered in the show using the breedsite software. A link will be sent out prior to the show. Please read it carefully as there are certain rules that must be followed. There is a date on the front page of all entry forms that tells you when you must submit your entry by. Please make sure you get your entry in early. All Cats United WA shows use show cages that have been purchased by the exhibitor, however, we will have a small amount of cages for you to hire if you have not purchased any yet. You will need show curtains to place in the cage to “show off” your cat/kitten. In the early stages, talk to the show manager and you will probably be able to borrow a set of show curtains for the first show or two. If you decide you want to continue showing your cat, you can purchase show cages and curtains at most shows.

Preparing For Show Day

Once you have entered the show, the next step is to prepare for the day. There are several things you will need to do. Begin bathing and grooming your cat because it is very important that they come to the show CLEAN. WELL GROOMED and FREE OF PARASITES. The day before the show, make sure you cut your cat’s claws, FRONT and BACK.

Show Day

The day has finally arrived. Make sure you get to the show early and go firstly to the person on the door. They should have a slip with your cat’s name on it and a cage number. If you have any absent cats that day, please advise the person at the door as soon as you arrive. This person will also be able to tell you where to head to so that you can get your cat ready for judging. Locate the cage (or space, if you own your own cage) and make sure your curtains are in place, and place your cat in the cage. If you have ordered a catalogue (a booklet that has all of the felines that have been entered in the show listed in their classes) check to make sure all of the details about your cat are correct as mistakes do occur. If you notice a mistake, please let the Show Manager know so it can be corrected before judging.

At around 9am, the Show Manager or other show personnel will open the show. They will introduce Judges and judging will get underway. There are usually chairs in each show BAY for exhibitors to use so they can watch the judging. You are not allowed to interact with the Judge during judging but after the show, you are at liberty, after judging is over to discuss your cat/kitten with them.

Most shows are either 3 or 4 ring shows. What does this mean? It means your cat / kitten will be judged 3-4 times that day by different Judges. Therefore you have 3-4 chances of your cat / kitten placing in the show. Some shows may be smaller or larger than this but the number of rings determines how many times you cat / kitten will be judged.

Show Prizes

Shows may have a range of great prizes from rosettes or trophies, food, litter, litter trays, money, gifts, carry cages, cat beds, toys and more. The range is only limited by the Show Manager’s imagination and available funds and sponsors generosity. Shows always have great raffles as well so come along and get involved.

Cats United WA shows are very relaxed and friendly and are a great opportunity to meet other like-minded people. If you are still looking for your kitten, this is also a great way to meet the breeds in person as well as a range of breeders. You can also browse the variety of great stalls that are present at most shows. There will be those that sell show curtains, cat toys, shampoos, litter, scratching poles and more. What about great cat related clothing, jewellery, bags and more. There is usually a range of stalls at each show with both cat and human treats, as well as a canteen catering for breakfast, lunch and snacks.

After The Show

When ALL judging is concluded, you will be able to pack up your cat and head home. Make sure you collect prizes and challenge certificates etc (if applicable) before you go. If you have some spare time, you might like to help the show committee pack away the show. Any assistance is greatly appreciated by all. WHAT NEXT? Hopefully you will have enjoyed your experience so much you will decide to have another go. We hope you will and we hope we will see YOU at lots of shows to come.

Cats United WA is a family-oriented council with friendly shows and pleasant social occasions that all exhibitors are welcome to attend.


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